My sleepy garden covered with love from above! |
This weather sure does leave one feeling as though the morning has extended far and beyond it's normal eight hours! Despite everything my mothering mentor, Marla has taught me, my feet are bare, being toasted by the wonderful electric heater beside my computer chair, and I am in my pajama bottoms. (Too cold to merely stay in my pajama top, though. Have a hoodie on over that. ;D) I dare say I have become a bit too "comfortable" in this type of weather, which tends to be a habit around here. Indeed, it is only on days such as this that I tell the children to forgo their morning routine of washing their face because the water is extra, extra cold. (The hot water froze again.) The children are a bit more disciplined than I and were rather insistant that they complete their morning routine in it's entirety: washing up, brushing up and dressing to shoes. I would say I have taught them well. Now where is my coach who will line me out and help me straighten up my act? It seems to me, that after these past several years in a row of working out of doors during extreme cold and covered head to toes with coveralls, coats, beanie caps, leather working gloves and tennis shoes, I have become a bit lax. Be not discouraged, brave one! The day will come again when the weather is fine, the grass is green, the roses dandy, the skies blue, the clouds as puffy cotton candy. <--- My godmother, whom I have learned holds within her a delightsome romance with the sweet stuff would approve. :D
My doggie leaves his footprints in the snow. :) |